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Core Courses


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Course Requirements

  • Motivation to Learn: A strong desire to engage with and understand the material.
  • Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with biology and molecular biology concepts.
  • Interest in Technology: Eagerness to learn about the latest technologies in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).
  • Software: Free software will be utilized, so no additional software purchases are necessary.
  • Hardware: A laptop with a minimum of 4GB RAM and 100GB of hard disk space.

Course Description

  • Versatile Python Programming: Discover Python's versatility and user-friendly nature, suitable for diverse applications.
  • Foundational Skills: Build a strong foundation in Python with basic syntax, data types, and control structures.
  • Advanced Programming Concepts: Explore advanced topics such as object-oriented and functional programming in Python.
  • Data Manipulation and Visualization: Understand Python libraries for manipulating, analyzing data, and creating visualizations.
  • Web Development Basics: Learn the basics of web development using Flask and Django frameworks with Python.
  • Automation and Scripting: Dive into automation and scripting capabilities of Python, enhancing efficiency in various tasks.

Course Outcomes

  • Develop proficiency in Python programming, leveraging its versatility and ease of use for various applications.
  • Master foundational concepts including syntax, data types, and control structures essential for effective programming in Python.
  • Apply advanced programming principles such as object-oriented programming and functional programming to solve complex problems.
  • Utilize Python libraries for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization, enhancing capabilities in handling and presenting data.
  • Gain practical skills in web development basics using Flask and Django frameworks, enabling the creation of dynamic web applications.
  • Automate tasks and streamline workflows through effective scripting and automation techniques in Python, improving efficiency and productivity.
  • Rules & Regulations

    •  Attendance and Participation: Maintain a minimum of 75% attendance. Regular assessments and attendance contribute to performance evaluation.
    •  Discipline: Maintain punctuality and respect in live classes. Engage actively and interact respectfully with instructors and peers.
    • Course Fee Payment: Pay course fees on time to avoid suspension or cancellation of access.
    • Assignments: Complete assignments sincerely and submit them on time.
    • Feedback and Communication: Maintain open communication with instructors and provide constructive feedback.
    • Certification: A certificate will be awarded upon course completion.

    Course Curriculum DOWNLOAD BROCHURE

    1 Variables, Data Types, and Operators
    1 Hour

    2 Control Flow and Looping Constructs
    1 Hour

    3 Functions and Modules
    1 Hour

    4 Data Structures
    1 Hour

    5 File handling
    1 Hour

    1 Sequence Handling (Reading, Writing, and Manipulating Sequences)
    1 Hour

    2 Sequence Alignment (Pairwise and Multiple Sequence Alignment)
    1 Hour

    3 Biological Databases Access (NCBI Entrez, UniProt, etc.)
    1 Hour

    4 Phylogenetics (Building and Analyzing Phylogenetic Trees)
    1 Hour

    1 Preprocessing of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data
    1 Hour

    2 QC and Filtering of NGS Reads, Seq alignment
    1 Hour

    3 Variant Calling and Annotation
    1 Hour

    Student Feedback

    Mastering PYTHON for Biologist ( 4 WEEKS )


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