Super admin . 13th May, 2024 10:00 AM
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized our ability to study genomes. It allows us to generate massive amounts of data, revealing the genetic code in incredible detail. But this data is just the raw material. To unlock its secrets, we need to analyze it. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of NGS data analysis, specifically focusing on the journey from raw reads to variant calling.
Imagine a library containing billions of tiny books, each with a short snippet of DNA sequence. This is essentially what you get with NGS. These "books" are called reads, and they need to be organized and interpreted before we can find the interesting bits.
The first step is like finding the right shelf in the library. We align the reads to a reference genome, a complete DNA sequence that serves as a guide. This allows us to see where each read originates from in the genome. Different tools like BWA-MEM and Novoalign are used for this mapping process.
Not all reads are created equal. Some might have errors or be duplicates from the sequencing process. Pre-processing involves quality control (QC) to assess the data and remove low-quality reads or PCR duplicates. Additionally, adapter sequences used for sequencing are trimmed off.
Now comes the exciting part! Variant calling is like searching the library for books with different words. It identifies locations in the genome where the sequence differs from the reference. These differences, called variants, could be single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, or more complex rearrangements. Popular variant callers include GATK, which uses sophisticated algorithms to identify true variants from sequencing errors.
This is a simplified overview, and the NGS data analysis pipeline involves many more steps and considerations. The choice of tools and techniques depends on the specific research question and the type of NGS data (whole-genome, exome, etc.). Additionally, throughout the process, data quality is constantly monitored, and results are filtered and annotated to ensure accuracy.
By analyzing NGS data, researchers can identify genetic variations associated with diseases, understand how genes function, and track mutations in cancer cells. Variant calling is a crucial step in this journey, providing the foundation for further analysis and interpretation. As NGS technologies continue to evolve, so too will our ability to extract meaningful information from this vast genetic library.